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How are you?  I hope you’re all fine. Here’s a list of things that you can do while you’re at home.  Let’s get started.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Learn English with Harry Potter

For all the students that love Harry Potter!


Maria Miguel said...

Gostei muito do video, sou fã do Harry Potter e ajudou a perceber a matéria.Tenho feito todos os trabalhos. Obrigada.
bjs Maria Miguel

Ana Potter said...

Hello teacher. I really love Harry Potter. I usually watch the movies without subtitles, and I understan all the words.
This videoclip is very cool, because it's one of my favourite cenes in the first movie. Thank you so mutch. I want more vidoclips like these!

Bye bye!

I am Ana Pedro from 6A.

Manuela Fidalgo said...

I'm glad you liked it, Maria Miguel.

I'll post more Ana, as soon as I finish the evaluation process!

Keep safe.
Stay at home.


Unknown said...

Tou a perceber aquase toda a materia mas vou perceber a estudar bjs daina silva

Duarte said...

Hi teacher
tentei rever o video mas não consegui

Featured post

My dear students

How are you?  I hope you’re all fine. Here’s a list of things that you can do while you’re at home.  Let’s get started.