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My dear students

How are you?  I hope you’re all fine. Here’s a list of things that you can do while you’re at home.  Let’s get started.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

5th year

Hi there.
Watch the video clip “The secret life of pets".

Now, open the book on page 75 and do exercises C and D.

Have fun!


Leonardo Henriques said...

Olá professora
Gostei da atividade e achei fácil.
A aguardar mais atividades
Abraços vituais
Leonardo Henriques - 5ºD

Manuela Fidalgo said...

Well done, Leonardo, now correct the exercises!

(publiquei as soluções dos exercícios)

Featured post

My dear students

How are you?  I hope you’re all fine. Here’s a list of things that you can do while you’re at home.  Let’s get started.